PA Vacancy Form

Thank you for registering your vacancy.

Please complete this form and we will send your vacancy request to suitable PA's on the register.

The team will use this information to put your vacancy request together, ensuring some information is initially confidential and not shared until the appropriate time such as address and full name.

Please note that the more information you can provide, the easier it will be to gather interest in your opportunity. If you have any concerns please email

Please note that as per the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this form, we do not endorse any Direct Payment Holder or Personal Assistant and take no responsibility or either parties being of good repute.

Personal Details

Are you the person who will be receiving support from a PA? *
What type of Direct Payment do they have? *
Has the Direct Payment been agreed?
This is to check the Direct Payment Holder status with their local authority.
e.g. Home, School, Office.
What is the gender of the person requiring a PA? *
Has the Direct Payment Holder (or their representative) received Employment Advice & Guidance with regards to this vacancy? *

Vacancy Details

The following details will be shared with those PA's registered with Purple Match, to see if they are interested in your vacancy. Unless required, we will not adapt this too much, so they can get a real feel for who you/the person who requiring a PA is and what you/they need.

What specific conditions does the Direct Payment Holder have? * If none are applicable, please select "Other" and provide your own answer in the next question.
This information helps us to find the right PA.
Is this a permanent or temporary role *
What is the hourly rate of pay for the vacancy?
Please specify if this is year round or if there are any times a PA will not be required to support on your specified days and hours.
Please also include any regular activities or tasks assistance is required with.
What are their requirements? *
e.g. Are there other people, pets, other PA's and any other information you wish to provide.