PA Register Interest Form

Purple are working in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council to develop a register of Personal Assistants (PAs).

The PA register is a way to make it easier for people who want to employ PA's and people who work as PA's to find each other. A PA register is not an agency, it lists PA's who are available for permanent or temporary work. For the Direct Employer, this means that if they have a vacancy or need some cover for sickness and annual leave there are people such as yourself that can be contacted to see if you are interested in providing support.

A personal assistant works directly with one or more people, to support them with various aspects of their daily life enabling them to live their life the way they choose. As a PA, you are usually employed directly by a person who needs care and support, and who manages and pays for this through a Direct Payment and/or with their own money. This person is your employer, often referred to as a 'Direct Employer'.

Personal Assistants can also be employed by a family member or representative, when the person they're supporting doesn't have the ability to consent and/or manage a Direct Payment. People can also nominate someone to manage a Direct Payment on their behalf.

To register your interest in enrolling on the register please complete this form. Please note the PA register does not guarantee a certain level of work.

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